Health characteristics of women of reproductive age in ethnic minorities
fertility, stillbirth, stigma, abortion, reproductive health, ethnic minoritiesAbstract
Introduction: The health of women of reproductive age is influenced by social determinants, including economic status, religion, education, employment, and living conditions. Ethnic minority women and girls face additional challenges due to cultural differences, religion, language barriers, ethnic identity, and the stigma associated with their identity. The purpose of our research is to study the characteristics of sexual and reproductive health of women and girls from small ethnic groups, the Armenian and Azerbaijani populations living in Georgia, to determine the factors affecting their health, and to outline the main key issues. Methodology: qualitative research methods were used. An in-depth interview was conducted with doctors (gynecologists, family doctors, and therapists) employed in densely populated regions with Armenian and Azerbaijani populations (Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kvemo Kartli). Statistical information from the National Center for Disease Control and the National Statistical Service was processed. Results and discussion: the study showed that women in both ethnic groups do not prioritize their own health, so delayed referrals to doctors and aggravated forms of the disease are frequent. Language and cultural barriers often negatively affect the outcome of the disease. There is hiding of symptoms and diagnosis from the doctor, which is sometimes related to identity. There is neglect of women's bodily autonomy and interference by other people in the decision-making process. Interest in the human papillomavirus vaccine is low. The age of initiation of sexual life and childbearing is mostly low. We encounter marriages of minors and pregnancy, which endangers their health as well as the health of the fetus. The stillbirth rate is high. Birth rates and natural increase rates are high because large families are culturally encouraged. Consanguineous marriages occur, which increases the risk of provoking the inheritance of recessive genetic disorders in the offspring. Knowledge and awareness about modern methods of contraception are low; there is a social taboo and a conservative attitude towards condoms. The number of artificial abortions is high, including the selective abortions. The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases is high, and awareness about these diseases is low. Conclusion: A number of socio-cultural factors, mainly gender norms, and stigma related to sexuality, harm women's sexual and reproductive health. While some circumstances are common to the general population living in Georgia, other experiences are unique, indicating the necessity for distinct approaches to protect the sexual and reproductive health of the target group.
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