Social integration of Ethnic minority students in Georgian society
Ethnic minority students, socializationAbstract
16.2% of the population of Georgia are ethnic minorities. They pass through the stages of socialization with much effort and find it difficult to establish in Georgian society. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the experiences of ethnic minority students in social integration. Due to this goal, the main tasks were identified: How they are involved in the study process, how Georgian peers are interacting with them and if they take part in university social activities. Within the scope of the survey,3 focus groups were conducted, which included 21 respondents, including ethnic Azeri, Armenian and Yezidi students. The main tool for obtaining information was the guide of focus group. Participants who were studying in Tbilisi State University were selected by random selection. After analyzing the information obtained during the study, three major outcomes were identified: Ethnic minority students are as actively involved in the learning process as Georgians, however, they have problems with learning materials that are caused by the imperfect knowledge of the state language. In addition, they have friendly, warm, direct, stable and frequent relationships with Georgian students. As for the participation in university social activities, the target group representatives are more or less involved in them because they do not have enough time and do not know Georgian language at the appropriate level. Finally, the research showed that students of ethnic minorities do not face problems in the process of social integration and consider themselves as full-fledged citizens of Georgia.
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