Assertive Community Treatment and Its Importance in Modern Mental Health Care
severe mental illness, community-based care, interdisciplinary team, reduction of rehospitalization, mental health services, community mental healthcare, Assertive Community TreatmentAbstract
Introduction: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an intensive, multidisciplinary, and patient-centered approach aimed at supporting individuals with severe mental illnesses within the community. The objective of this study is to introduce readers to the structure of ACT services and their role in mental healthcare in both international and local contexts. Methodology: In the first phase of the study, international literature and research on the effectiveness of ACT were reviewed, sourced from PubMed, Google Scholar, and UpToDate databases. The data were analyzed using secondary data analysis methods. In the second phase, to gain a better understanding of ACT’s functionality, an in-depth, semi-structured interview was conducted with a psychiatrist from an ACT service in Tbilisi. The obtained information was analyzed and compared with international experiences. Results: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) has proven to be effective in improving mental health and reducing patient rehospitalization rates. It facilitates functional rehabilitation and timely crisis management. Moreover, its intensive and patient-centered approach significantly reduces dependence on inpatient care and enhances patients’ ability to live independently. Conclusion: The widespread implementation of the ACT model in mental health systems ensures accessible and intensive services for patients, enabling their integration into society and positively impacting their quality of life and treatment outcomes.
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