The attitude of mothers about prophylactic vaccinations determined by the national immunization calendar in Georgia
Georgia, Prevention, Infectious diseases, Child immunization, Immunization, Vaccination, Vaccination, ImmunizationAbstract
Introduction: Immunization is the best way to prevent infectious diseases. One of the challenges of the state immunization program in Georgia is to maintain the 95% coverage rate with routine vaccination, which is directly proportional to the population's awareness, especially parents. The study aims to study mothers' attitudes regarding the preventive vaccinations determined by the national immunization calendar and to search for the factors determining this attitude and ways to overcome the identified difficulties. Methodology: a survey of parents and pediatricians was conducted as part of the qualitative research. Results, Discussion: The study showed that public awareness about immunization is not very high and requires targeted activities. There is a close relationship between vaccination side effects and immunization behavior, as it is the side effects that influence parents' decisions, which ultimately affect immunization coverage rates. Conclusion: The fear of vaccination is primarily caused by ignorance, therefore, we must begin to overcome the problem by providing valid information, since the main reason for refusing vaccination is incorrect information and lack of communication
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