Society as an additional stress factor in divorced women


  • Tamta Chichinadze Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
  • Salome Mushtashvili Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


discrimination, stigmatization, resocialization, family, stress


The research presents the influence of society as an additional stress factor on divorced women, the perception of their situation by the people around them, the attitude of family members and relatives, establishing the connection between divorce and employment. The information was obtained using the quantitative method of sociological research, during which questionnaires were distributed to the respondents - divorced women aged 17 to 35 living in Tbilisi. The aim of the study was to study the influence of society as an additional stressor in divorced women. In particular, how the surrounding people perceive divorced women, the attitude of family members and relatives, whether there is a connection between divorce and employment. The research is important for divorced women, their families, employers and people interested in this issue. To date, there is no research addressing the impact of community as a stressor after divorce.


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How to Cite

Chichinadze, T., & Mushtashvili, S. (2018). Society as an additional stress factor in divorced women. Health Policy, Economics and Sociology, 1. Retrieved from

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