Post-traumatic growth among Georgian war refugees
Psychological Well-being, Social Capital, 2008 Russo-Georgian War, ResilienceAbstract
Introduction: Stress is a physiological and psychological reaction to stressors that affect one's health and quality of life. Its causes can include war, forced displacement, social exclusion, and more. This study focuses on the traumatic stress experienced by Georgian internally displaced people following the 2008 Russo-Georgian War and its impact on their psychological state and daily lives. Methodology: The methodology involved a theoretical review of the issue, along with the analysis of relevant literature. The paper uses a literature review method, discussing the concepts of stress, trauma, post-traumatic growth (PTG), and resilience. The research draws on various authors' works addressing the impact of stress on displaced populations as a result of war and the potential for post-traumatic growth. Results: The research results showed that post-traumatic growth was not observed among the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in the aftermath of the 2008 war. The main stressors for the displaced people were the daily challenges they faced, including physical safety, economic crisis, social problems, and psychological traumas such as depression, constant fear, isolation, and desocialization. While many displaced individuals found resilience and social support helpful in overcoming trauma, post-traumatic growth remains unnoticeable. Additionally, the study found no statistically significant difference in psychological well-being between displaced and non-displaced populations. Conclusion: The conclusion emphasizes the critical role of social connections and support in the psychological rehabilitation of internally displaced persons. However, chronic stress and daily challenges hinder their full adaptation and well-being.
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