Priority and challenges of nursing in Georgia



continuous education, professional burnout syndrome, Nursing


The role of the nurse is great in the process of disease prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Their involvement in the organization and implementation of health measures, both at the front line and at the managerial level, is important. Studies by the UKCC (United Kingdom Central Council), WHO (World Health Organization), the Curatio Foundation, and other organizations show that it is important to provide adequate training in nursing, as well as to expand roles and competencies. At the same time, there is a shortage of nurses and non-compliance with international human resources standards. The research aims to study the priorities of the nursing profession in Georgia, to review the current situation, and to study the openings and challenges that the professional development of nursing faces. Nurses from several clinics in Kutaisi, as well as former nurses, a total of 16 respondents participated in the qualitative study. In-depth, individual interviews revealed problems with nursing: shortage of nursing staff, inadequate working conditions, overtime, low pay, and low access to continuing education. All of the above determines the non-prestige of the field and the lack of perspective. The problem of the non-prestige of nursing is global in nature. The field is not very popular not only in Georgia but also in many European countries, which is evidenced by the fact that working conditions and workload are problematic in nursing.


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How to Cite

Ambroladze, M. (2024). Priority and challenges of nursing in Georgia. Health Policy, Economics and Sociology, 8(1). Retrieved from