Current approaches and challenges to cervical cancer prevention




human papilloma virus, prevention, cervical cancer


Introduction: Cervical cancer is recognized as a global problem due to its increasing prevalence. Countries are trying to introduce preventive measures to reduce the mortality of women. The aim of the paper is to analyze the cervical cancer prevention strategies of the healthcare systems of different countries. Methodology: a systematic literature search was conducted using databases of scientific-refereed journals (Science Direct, Google Scholar, DOAJ, PubMed). Results: The study identified promising approaches to cervical cancer screening and prevention that could further strengthen the effectiveness of existing WHO strategies and national health systems. Conclusion: it is necessary to develop powerful educational campaigns by the state using mass media and social networks, which will help to increase the screening rate, as well as to raise the awareness of adolescents and their parents about the benefits of vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV).


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How to Cite

Kamashidze, K. (2023). Current approaches and challenges to cervical cancer prevention. Health Policy, Economics and Sociology, 7(2).

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