Assessment of Public Awareness of Oncological Diseases in Georgia
health care, cancer, awarenessAbstract
Cancer is one of the most urgent problems of Health Care system worldwide. It is the second leading cause of death worldwide. High mortality rate is mostly related to late-stage detection. Detection at late stage of disease can be related to low cancer awareness among the population. Insufficient knowledge leads to delayed referral to medical facilities, which ultimately leads to delayed diagnosis. In Georgia 50-60% of new cancer cases appear at the late stage and 5-year survival rate is lower than in developed countries. Assessment of public awareness of cancer symptoms, warning signs and available screening programs is giving possibility to plan and implement Public Health programs focusing on effective prevention and early detection of cancer. In Georgia, there are no data about public awareness of oncological diseases. It is important to collect and evaluate data in this direction. This will give us the possibility to develop effective Public Health programs, based on international best practices, to reduce mortality caused by cancer through multisectoral cooperation at the national level.
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