Bill Clinton's Health Care Reforms: The Causes of Failure


  • Natia Bregadze Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Ilia State University
  • Natela Tsilosani Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Ilia State University
  • Ninia Ramazashvili Faculty of Science and Arts. Ilia state university
  • Tengiz Verulava School of Business, Ilia State University


health care, The US healthcare system, Clinton’s healthcare reform


President of the United States of America Bill Clinton has stated his presidency with the health care reform. Despite huge efforts and support he couldn’t succeed. The research address key reasons for failure of the reform: difficulties to regulate private insurance marketplace, difficulties to control expenditures for fulfillment the reform, the amount of expenditure itself. Big part of population was not ready for the radical reform of insurance systems, the business sector was against the reform, because employers were imposed huge responsibility to the employees in regard to their insurance.



How to Cite

Bregadze, N., Tsilosani, N., Ramazashvili, N., & Verulava, T. (2019). Bill Clinton’s Health Care Reforms: The Causes of Failure . Health Policy, Economics and Sociology, 3. Retrieved from



Original Research