Art Therapies - An Opportunity for Expanding One's World
Phenomenology, Aesthetic Analysis, Poetry, Decentering, Expressive Art TherapyAbstract
Throughout history, humans have sought to align themselves with the forces of nature and explore their connection to both the visible and invisible realms. Even in primitive times, individuals endeavored to grapple with chaos and fear through the medium of art. The development of theories concerning art commenced in antiquity, tracing its origins back to ancient times. The development of concepts regarding mental disorders has a centuries-old history, although the formalization of psychiatry as a medical field and psychotherapy as a treatment method gained momentum in the 19th century. Art therapy, as a psychotherapeutic approach, is relatively more recent and represents a synthesis of two distinct disciplines. Despite its relatively brief history, art therapy has given rise to numerous theories, among them the phenomenological approach that serves as a foundation for expressive art therapy. Unlike other psychotherapeutic methods, which rely primarily on verbal communication, art therapy possesses a wealth of tangible evidence in the form of artistic creations. Nonetheless, it encounters a formidable challenge when attempting to articulate treatment outcomes. The challenge of establishing art therapy as a scientifically validated discipline stems not solely from its intricate nature as a hybrid field, but also from the endeavor to harmonize scientific rigor with practical application. Not only does the field encompass a multitude of theories guiding the practical aspects of therapy, but it also encompasses numerous theories concerning the interpretation of artistic creations. Describing treatment outcomes in a manner that satisfies scientific standards presents a greater challenge, as art therapy prioritizes individualization over standardization. Conversely, despite the aforementioned complexities, the methodology of art-based research has unlocked the potential for nuanced exploration, providing a broad spectrum of insights and aiding researchers in approaching and elucidating the 'indescribable'.
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