Functions and Goals of the Health Care System




financing equity, financial risk protection, resource formation, procurement of services, healthcare financing


World Health Organization in its work "World Health Report 2000" presented the main functions and goals of health systems. According to this report, the functions of the healthcare system are: provision of medical services, financing of healthcare, collection of revenues, mobilization, pooling of revenues (accumulation, pooling of risk and resources), distribution of resources (procurement of services), formation of resources, strategic management. The goals of the health care system are: improvement of the health condition of the population, protection of social and financial risk, fairness of financing - equal distribution of financial burden, improvement of the "responsiveness" of the health care system.


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• WHO. (2000). Health systems: improving performance. Geneva, World Health Organization.



How to Cite

Verulava, T. (2023). Functions and Goals of the Health Care System. Health Policy, Economics and Sociology, 7(2).